Title: Robot and the Whale Director: Jonas Forsman Screenplay: Jonas Forsman Animation: Jonas Forsman Editor: Jonas Forsman Music: Eirik Hulbak Roland Production: Hob AB/Nima Yousefi Year: 2018 Country: Sweden Length: 6’ Synopsis: A long time ago humans left the planet Earth. Alone remained Lobo, Lobo, is a cheerful robot who loves animals and plants. Lobos biggest...
The Sloth
Title: The Sloth Director: Julia Ocker Screenplay: Julia Ocker Animation: Urte Zintler, Ina Gabriel Editor: Benjamin Manns Music: Christian Heck Production: Studio FILM BILDER Year: 2017 Country: Germania Length: 3’ Synopsis: The sloth wants to buy ice cream, but unfortunately he is way too slow… Biography: Julia Ocker is an animation director, designer and writer based...
Title: Seed Director: Dave McKenna Screenplay: Dave McKenna Animation: Dave McKenna Sound and voices: Rich Webber Music: Baxtracker Production: Dave McKenna Year: 2018 Country: Ireland Length: 2’ Synopsis: Muggins and Tuggins have arrived on Earth and have different opinions on the uses of seeds. Biography: Dave McKenna is an animator with over 11 years experience creating children’s animated...
Title: Cocodrilo Director: Jorge Yùdice Screenplay: Jorge Yùdice Photography: Julieta Lutti Editor: Guillermo A. Chaia Music: Amos Blanco, Ibrah Pedernera Cast: Marta Bayarri, Alejandro Bordanove, Javier Casamayor Production: Japonica Films Year: 2019 Country: Spain Length: 4’ Synopsis: Like every afternoon, Alicia prepares a cup of tea and watch her favorite youtube channel: VictorGaming. A role action video games...
La Plongeuse
Title: La Plongeuse Director: Iulia Voitova Screenplay: Iulia Voitova Animation: Iulia Voitova Editor: Antoine Rodet Music: Lawrence Williams Production: La Poudrière Year: 2018 Country: Francia Length: 4’ Synopsis: A professional diver undergoes an intense training regime punctuated by relentless blasts on her trainer’s whistle. Utterly exhausted, she refuses to dive again and decides to visit a...
Title: Bigoudis Director: Marta Gennari Screenplay: Marta Gennari Editor: Jeanne Fontaine Music: Alexis Pecherman Production: Ecole de la Poudrière Year: 2018 Country: France Length: 4’ Awards: Audience Award 2019 Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival Synopsis: In a retirement house, the opening of a small hairdressing salon create a cheerful moment for the old inhabitant. Biography: Born in...
Title: Achoo Director: Elise Carret, Lucas Boutrot, Camille Lacroix, Maoris Creantor, Charlotte Perroux, Pierre Hubert Screenplay: Elise Carret, Lucas Boutrot, Camille Lacroix, Maoris Creantor, Charlotte Perroux, Pierre Hubert Animation: Elise Carret, Lucas Boutrot, Camille Lacroix, Maoris Creantor, Charlotte Perroux, Pierre Hubert Music: Raphaël Joffre Production: Esma Year: 2018 Country: France Length: 6’30’’’ Synopsis: In ancient China, a little...
Title: Imaginafriend Director: Robin Barrière Screenplay: Robin Barrière Photography: Arnaud Schulz and Nicolas Sahaguian Editor: Robin Barrière Music: Olivier Cussac et Loïc Laporte Cast: Quentin Denis Magnier, Prune Trojansky Production: Robin Barrière / HappyGrumble Productions Year: 2018 Country: France Length: 5’36’’ Awards: Audience Award 2019 Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival Synopsis: Performing a magic trick, a...
An Old Lady Stepped Out for Some Bread and a Pastry
Title: An Old Lady Stepped Out for Some Bread and a Pastry Director: Anastasiya Jakulina Screenplay: Anastasiya Jakulina Animation: Anastasiya Jakulina Music: Ivan Urupin Production: Boris Mashkovtsev, Sergey Strusovsky Year: 2017 Country: Russia Length: 3’38’’’ Synopsis: You never know how the day ends. And even the ordinary walk to have some bread and pastry terms to...
After the Rain
Title: After the Rain Director: Valérian Desterne, Rebecca Black, Céline Collin, Juan Olarte, Juan Pablo De La Rosa Zalamea, Carlos Osmar Salazar Tornero, Lucile Palomino Screenplay: Valérian Desterne, Rebecca Black, Céline Collin, Juan Olarte, Juan Pablo De La Rosa Zalamea, Carlos Osmar Salazar Tornero, Lucile Palomino Animation: Céline Collin, Carlos Osmar Salazar Tornero, Lucile Palomino Editor: Valérian...