Title: Le prince au bois dormant
Director: Nicolas Bianco-Levrin
Screenplay: Hassan Benali
Sound Design: Julie Rembauville
Music: Maxence Camelin, Rémy Tatard
Voices: Marcel
Production: Nicolas Bianco-Levrin
Year: 2020
Country: France
Length: 4’59”
Tom would like his dad to tell him a story, but Daddy’s not available so Tom invents a story by himself, mixing all his favorite characters : pirates, knights, t-rex, cowboys. In this joyful mess, a little princess will be much more brave than the sleeping prince.
Nicolas Bianco-Levrin
After studying applied arts at the Duperré school in Paris, Nicolas Bianco-Levrin publishes about twenty youth albums as an illustrator. At the same time, he co-directed about thirty animated short films with Julie Rembauville for which he designed the graphics. The films then travel to many festivals around the world.