Umbria Film Festival

Cacciapaglia at the Fuori Festival

The Fuori Festival events centered this year on the contamination of music and film with all the arts, from photography to dance to painting, are back.

The first event of the season will be a concert by renowned pianist Roberto Cacciapaglia. The appointment is for Saturday, March 23, 2024 9 p.m. at the Teatro degli Illuminati in Città di Castello.

His presence in Città di Castello will also be an opportunity to shoot the promotional video for his new record.

Admission to the concert will cost 15 euros per person and reservations are required.

Roberto Cacciapaglia, a well-known composer and pianist from Milan, has fallen in love with Città di Castello and in particular with the Teatro degli Illuminati where he will perform in concert on March 23 and has decided that the promotional video for his new album will be filmed precisely on the day in tifernate, a video that will then go around the world. The concert is organized as part of the Umbria Film Festival’s “Fuori Festival” festival in Montone, through which events are offered throughout the year beyond the international film festival and beyond its programming period.

Roberto Cacciapaglia is an artist who explores all genres of music, from classical to traditional, contemporary and electronic.

He has played in the biggest international theaters starting with Carnagie Hall in New York.

Among other things, in 2015 he made “Tree of love” the soundtrack to the Tree of Life, an icon of Milan’s Expo 2015. In 2019, he recorded “Diapason” with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra while fashion designer Stella McCarney chose his very own song “Sparkling World” to launch the advertising campaign for her 2018 collection.

At the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2021 Kitakyushudel World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships, the “Blue Butterflies” won the gold medal to the notes of her song “Tree of Life Suite.”

On March 14, 2023, Cacciapaglia received the 2023 Montale Fuori di Casa Prize in Milan for the music section, and in September he was invited by BBC Four to present the new concert he would give a few days later at Cadogan Hall in London.