Umbria Film Festival

AmarCorti 2024: The Showcase of Young Talents in Italian Cinema at the Umbria Film Festival

Back for its fourth edition is AmarCorti, the section of the Umbria Film Festival dedicated to promoting the resourcefulness, creativity and courage of young Italian filmmakers. This unmissable event is a celebration of emerging cinema and a platform to discover the future protagonists of the seventh art.

AmarCorti is the perfect stage to experience cinematic innovation through short films that defy convention and offer inimitable ways of storytelling.

Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in a unique cinematic experience, where each film is a journey through the creative minds of the young filmmakers of today and tomorrow. AmarCorti is the event that highlights the future of Italian cinema, giving the audience ever-changing emotions and perspectives.

Venus de Milo / Venus de Milo by Giorgio Cantarini and Marial Bajma Riva

In this romantic comedy resembling a fairy tale, the routine of a hapless Greek fisherman is disrupted by the arrival of a tourist, with whom the young man falls platonically in love after a fleeting encounter.

Le Fenne by Giulia Di Maggio

At only 10 years old, Clarissa already feels like an adult, but she soon discovers that she still lacks something to be considered a woman. Thus begins her tumultuous inner journey to discover the secret kept by the women of her village. Only after losing herself does Clarissa understand what it really means to become an adult.

Zum See by Federico Fasulo

During the short period of summer vacation, the two teenage protagonists in this story seek an opportunity to spend time together between chores, daily tasks, waiting and meeting.

Until One Day By Saeid Shahparnia

The story of an independent neighborhood bookstore: its local activities, its commitment to the community, and its role as a social and cultural hub in today’s metropolis.

Courtyard/Courtyard By Riccardo Stabilini

Crema, northern Italy. In the stillness of the countryside, under the summer sun, a swarm of young girls and boys is portrayed in everyday life. Dalin is one of them: her days reflect a way of life that is as common as it is precious.

Little Finger / Little Finger By Gianluca Granocchia

Valerio can no longer feel emotions. His only passion is blowing up anthills with homemade bombs. To survive, he works as a children’s party entertainer dressing as a wolf. When a new entertainer with a costume identical to his steals his job, Valerio plans a revenge that will prove to be a new beginning.

Las Memorias Perdidas de Los Árboles By Antonio La Camera

Deep in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon rainforest, two trees awaken in the night and embark on a spiritual journey to discover a past when they were two sibling children.

Radio Perla del Tirreno Di Noemi Arfuso

Mimmo Villari in 1975 is 29 years old, lives in Calabria, has a dusty guitar in the attic and the sacred fire of music that once burned in his stomach is getting embers. The first experiences of pirate radio in Italy arise at that time. Mimmo is thrilled by the rumors about it and wastes no time: he builds himself an fm transmitter and thus sets up Radio Perla del Tirreno, the first pirate radio station in Bagnara Calabra.

Chello ‘ncuollo / Impure By Olga Torrico

Renata lives in a small provincial town where time seems to stand still, and life follows the rhythm of country activities. During the summer Renata menstruates for the first time, but she begins to become upset when she realizes that ancient folk beliefs about menstruation affect the lives of local women.

Gasoline / Gasoline By Daniel Daquino

Vincenzo runs a gas station along a provincial road. He suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder that makes his life full of manically ordered gestures and rituals. Hours go by, songs on the stereo, cars and the pranks of two children. Only one woman seems to notice the man, stirring something in him that makes him react unexpectedly.

Menomale / Just As Well By Alberto

Palmiero Peppe, a 25-year-old nurse, must help his girlfriend Anna move to the city where he will work as a teacher. On a warm September afternoon, the couple will try to figure out what will become of their romance.

At Night By Roberta Martinelli

On a seemingly ordinary night, a young man wakes up to find that his girlfriend has not yet returned from an outing with friends. Listening to a voicemail from her, he finds himself witnessing a delayed attempt at street harassment, unable to do anything to stop it.

Rasti By Paolo Bonfadini and Davide Morandi

Anna is growing up, having just turned 7 years old. Stephen and Margaret work together to surprise her but a series of unexpected events happen. The intricacies and insistence of their family ritual cause a father and a young receptionist to embark on an out-of-the-ordinary nighttime adventure to find the “magical” and secret way to communicate without words.

Assunta By Luana Rondinelli

Assunta is a prostitute who, once she has taken her little son Mattia from the heinous fury of an abusive father, chooses to foster him so that he can have what she, momentarily, cannot give him.

One Body / One Body By Mia Benedetta

In a dystopian present/future, women are extinct. It is a world of only male hunters, in which even the memory of feminicide committed by them is punished. The three male protagonists are locked up in an enclosed space because they are infected by the memory. It is the punishment of the contrapasso.

Tilipirche / Grasshoppers By Francesco Piras

In a small town in the heart of Sardinia, during a terrible grasshopper invasion that devours everything, a rancher must face the passing of the baton, from father to son, for the management of the sheepfold.

Nothing By Eugenia Costantini

Sonia, an introverted 13-year-old girl, suffers from a disorder that prevents her from breathing heavily. Raised in a discombobulated family, she does not find the support she would need in the delicate transition between the end of childhood and the beginning of adolescence. At a time when part of her small world rejects her – her schoolmates, her boyfriend – she makes the acquaintance of Daria, a slightly older and much more confident girl who offers her friendship.

I, Lina Di Luana Lou Fanelli

Lina spends her 14th birthday just like any other day, stuck working on the farm without getting an ‘education, unlike her wealthy neighbor teenager Clara, who attends a school for the deaf. Overhearing that her older brother wants to attend a party but needs an escort to get in, Lina reports this to Clara: this will be the perfect excuse for the two friends to devise a plan and escape from their grim reality, if only for one night.

Nina: variations on the theme By Matteo Esposito

Gaetano is a young photographer who begins to notice a strange coming and going of men in his neighbor’s apartment. So he begins to become curious about the fascinating woman on the other side of the wall, spying on her and coming to discover strange things with the help of the building’s bizarre doorman.

One breath partial but complete / One breath partial but complete By Lorenzo Spinelli

In June 2022, while the editor is working on the story of his encounter with Patrizia Cavalli, the time spent together and the glances first courteous and then emptied by illness, the poetess dies. There are few images left of the author as he knew her: the only means is telling through metaphors, with archival images and a text that, between a declaration of love and a final farewell, alternates with poems recited by the author.

Follow AmarCorti on social media for updates, exclusive interviews and behind-the-scenes content. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this celebration of young, innovative cinema!