Umbria Film Festival

27th Umbria Film Festival: a new face

“Looking at this poster makes me feel like I’m being sucked into the world of Cinema!”

Our beloved Terry Gilliam has, with this phrase, chosen and decreed the winner of “Draw the new face of the Umbria Film Festival!” The call for entries was launched for the third consecutive year to allow young (and old) artists to create the poster for the 27th edition.

Minds and pencils from the most diverse places have come together with the aim of giving new face to the Lady of our Festival, created in her time by the skillful hand of Piero della Francesca and revisited for the UFF world by Terry himself.

Congratulations, then, to Sofia Chiari and Aurora Arcefili for their well-deserved victory and thanks to the participants.
We hope to see you all on July 5 in Montone, for the first fantastic evening of the Festival!