Title: Achoo
Director: Elise Carret, Lucas Boutrot, Camille Lacroix, Maoris Creantor, Charlotte Perroux, Pierre Hubert
Screenplay: Elise Carret, Lucas Boutrot, Camille Lacroix, Maoris Creantor, Charlotte Perroux, Pierre Hubert
Animation: Elise Carret, Lucas Boutrot, Camille Lacroix, Maoris Creantor, Charlotte Perroux, Pierre Hubert
Music: Raphaël Joffre
Production: Esma
Year: 2018
Country: France
Length: 6’30’’’
Synopsis: In ancient China, a little dragon who can’t breath fire will fight to overcome his weakness in order to take part in the New Year’s celebration.