Title: Mésozoïque Alternatif
Directors: Swann Boby, Lucie Laudrin, Marion Métivier, Léna Miguet, Sixtine Sanrame, Marie Schaeffer
Screenplay: Swann Boby, Lucie Laudrin, Marion Métivier, Léna Miguet, Sixtine Sanrame, Marie Schaeffer
Music: Jeffrey Brice
Sound & Mix: Baptiste Leblanc, Tristan Le Bozec, José Vincente
Production: Esma
Distribution: Yummy Films
Year: 2021
Country: France
Length: 5’26’’
In the Mesozoic area, Rex and his dinosaur friends are going to be disturbed in their peaceful life by a tribe of annoying humans. A meteor shower will crash on the Earth. But dinosaurs are strong and humans will beg them to protect them. Rex will accept and save the humans. Dinosaurs and humans will evolve and coexist through the ages: antiquity, the Middle Ages and contemporary times. Are dinosaurs going to cope with the annoying and invasive behavior of humans?
Un usignolo senza piume è solito cantare nella foresta. Il suo canto culla gli orsetti, placa i
Gli eventi che hanno preso forma dal 2020 a oggi sono le levatrici di un nuovo ordine